Trademark registration QS Food Certification ISO system certification


Cengdai Trademark registration company


Shenzhen Laydai Enterprise Management Consulting Company is a private enterprise specializing in enterprise management, enterprise training, trademark registration, ISO system certification, product certification, customer factory inspection, and project application services. Our company has a team of senior consulting experts composed of international registered management consultants (CMC), high-level training instructors, senior human resources specialists, vocational lecturers, and senior professional titles. Our main service objective is to provide practical, applied, and high-level talent training. After more than ten years of continuous innovation and management, we have entered a period of rapid development and have won a good reputation and reputation in the same industry.

Laidai Enterprise Consulting Company adheres to the business philosophy of professionalism, integrity, pragmatism, and efficiency, providing high-quality services to new and old customers.

ISO system certification consulting: certification consulting for international management systems such as ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO13485, ISO45001, IATF16949, QC080000, SA8000, etc;

Factory inspection consulting for clients such as RBA, ICTI, BSCI, etc;
Project training: enterprise on-site improvement, performance evaluation, lean production, etc. Focusing on practical consulting such as internal management and team building within the enterprise. Analyze the current development status, existing problems, root causes, and future development trends of the manufacturing industry. Improve internal management of the enterprise and help it continue to grow!

Trademark registration



Self registration

Self service submission is convenient and fast
Online self-service submission is convenient and fast
Real time synchronization of progress and full process control
Self service trademark registration price: 600 yuan/piece



Consultant Registration

Professional consultants handle the entire process
Provide professional consultants to organize and fill out materials
Comprehensive evaluation and analysis to avoid risks
Trademark registration consulting service quotation: 1000 yuan/piece



Guarantee registration

Registration failed, full refund
Avoiding registration risks such as blind checks and subjective judgments
Layer by layer control, effectively reducing risks
Guarantee registration price: 1500 yuan/piece



Trademark registration process





Trademark extension services

Provide comprehensive and professional solutions for removing obstacles to trademark registration and subsequent maintenance



change of trademark
¥ 399 yuan/piece


Reissuance of Trademark Certificate
¥ 999 yuan/piece


Trademark renewal
¥ 999 yuan/piece


Trademark transfer
¥ 999 yuan/piece


Trademark withdrawal
¥ 888 yuan/piece


Trademark rejection review
¥ 5000 yuan/piece


Objection defense
¥ 1800 per piece


nullification of a trademark
¥ 500 yuan/piece


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Self service trademark registration process
Submit application → Upload materials → Submit application to the Trademark Office → Formal examination → Issue trademark application acceptance letter → Substantive examination → Publicity period → Issue trademark registration certificate

2. Consultant/Guarantee Registration Trademark Process
Submit application → Consultant returns call → Material preparation → Submit application to the Trademark Office → Formal examination → Issue trademark application acceptance letter → Substantive examination → Publicity period → Issue trademark registration certificate

3. Time of trademark registration
a. Submit to the Trademark Office: Submit the application to the Trademark Office and obtain the application number, 1-2 working days
b. Formal examination by the Trademark Office: The formal examination by the Trademark Office takes about 3 months, and the acceptance notice is issued within 1 month after passing it
c. Substantive examination of trademark content: 6-8 months
d. Trademark preliminary approval announcement: within 3 months
e. Successful application: Trademark registration certificate issued, 2-month formal examination by the Trademark Office

4. Conditions for registering a trademark
Starting from March 14, 2016, the Trademark Office will no longer examine whether the declared scope of goods or services for individual industrial and commercial households when applying for trademark registration is within their approved business scope; There are no restrictions on the trademark categories applied for in the name of the company.

5. Success rate of trademark registration
There is a certain degree of uncertainty in trademark registration, and the online database of the National Trademark Office does not include information on trademark applications submitted in the past 3-6 months, resulting in a blind search period for prior trademarks. However, compared to the more than 20 years of available trademark information, the probability of the same trademark appearing during the blind search period is extremely low. Suggest applying for our trademark guarantee registration service, and if unsuccessful, all fees will be refunded.

6. Validity period of registered trademark
The validity period of trademark registration is 10 years, starting from the date of approval of registration, and no annual fees will be incurred midway. You can apply for renewal one year before the expiration date.

7. Color of trademark application
Generally, trademark applications are for black and white colors, and after successful application, the colors can be freely matched. If applying for color, it must be used according to the original color used in the application and cannot be changed separately. Suggest applying for black and white colors.

8. Font for trademark application
The principle that has always been upheld in trademark management is to use whatever font is registered. However, in trademark management, minor changes (such as registering in handwritten font and using it in print; registering in regular script and using it in bold) generally do not affect the use of the trademark, but R marking should never be used. It is recommended to re register the font form used as good.

9. What is guarantee registration?
If a trademark submitted through guaranteed registration is rejected by the Trademark Office for various reasons, our company will refund all fees paid at the time of submission.

10.Why is trademark registration not successful?
A. Blind examination period risk
It usually takes about one month from the submission of an application to the registration system of the Trademark Office, which will result in the inability to search for identical or similar trademarks declared in the previous month, posing a certain risk to registered trademarks, namely blind inspection period risk.
B. Subjective judgment by the examiner of the Trademark Office
Whether it is a written trademark, a graphic trademark, or a combination trademark, they all have multiple meanings. The Trademark Office has multiple examiners, each with different qualifications and experiences, and may have multiple understandings of the same trademark.
C. Approximate trademark
A trademark that has a high degree of similarity in its name, shape, and meaning to the previously applied trademark. There are highly similar trademarks

11. Notes on Guarantee Registration
If the trademark meets the conditions for guarantee registration review, an application can be submitted. If it does not meet the requirements, it can be converted to rapid registration;
If the trademark status is in the initial review announcement, it will be considered as a successful guarantee and will not be refunded;
If the trademark status is partially rejected, it will be considered as a successful guarantee and will not be refunded;

12. Regarding the Classification Table of Services and Goods
It is used to determine which category the goods or services to be registered belong to. Trademarks are divided into 45 categories. The registration principle of domestic trademarks in China is that a trademark registered in one category is counted as one trademark, and an application form is submitted, that is, one form, one category. Registering a trademark in two categories means two trademarks, submitting two registration applications, and so on. A trademark can select 10 or more products within a category. For each additional product, the Trademark Office will charge an additional fee.


商标注册 商标投资 注册商标

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